Leg­al Notice


Mar­tin Ruster­holz
Wein­bergstrasse 23
8630 Rüti

Tel: +41 (0)77 503 48 35



Cor­ne­lia Frei Webdesign



The copy­right and all oth­er rights to con­tent, images, pho­to­graphs or oth­er files on the web­site belong exclus­ively to  Mar­tin Ruster­holz or to the spe­cific­ally named hold­ers of rights. For the repro­duc­tion of any ele­ments, the writ­ten con­sent of the copy­right hold­ers must be obtained in advance.



Liab­il­ity for links:

Ref­er­ences and links to web­sites of third parties are out­side my area of respons­ib­il­ity. Any respons­ib­il­ity for such web­sites is rejec­ted. Access and use of such web­sites is at the user’s own risk.

About Me

Hello, my name is Martin Rusterholz. I’m a Swiss amateur astrophotographer living near Zurich, the biggest town in Switzerland. My interest in astronomy started when I was 16. At that time, I built my first Newtonian telescope and mount. I studied physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) which was the only study including at least some aspects of astronomy and astrophysics. “Looking at the nights sky is an experience touching everybody deeply inside, something common to all human beings independent to the language spoken by the individuals”. Deep-sky astrophotography is my passion.

