Deep-Sky Image Gallery

This gal­lery shows released images in chro­no­lo­gic­al order inde­pend­ent of the object type. While galxies have been my favor­ite tar­gets in the begin­ning, ima­ging neb­u­lae mostly in nat­ur­al col­ors became an import­ant part of my work.

NGC 383

NGC 383

Pegas­us II Galaxy Cluster

Pegas­us II Galaxy Cluster

NGC 4526

NGC 4526

RCW 105

RCW 105

South­ern Plei­ades (IC 2602)

South­ern Plei­ades (IC 2602)

But­ter­fly Cluster (M6)

But­ter­fly Cluster (M6)

Vela SNR

Vela SNR

Helix Neb­ula (NGC 7293)

Helix Neb­ula (NGC 7293)

Omega Cen­tauri

Omega Cen­tauri

Sil­ver Coin Galaxy (NGC253)

Sil­ver Coin Galaxy (NGC253)

R Coronae Aus­tral­is Neb­ula (Cald­well 68)

R Coronae Aus­tral­is Neb­ula (Cald­well 68)

Carina Neb­ula

Carina Neb­ula

NGC 4656

NGC 4656

Bubble Galaxy (NGC 3521)

Bubble Galaxy (NGC 3521)

Mir­ach’s Ghost (NGC 404)

Mir­ach’s Ghost (NGC 404)

Tiger­’s Eye Galaxy (NGC 2841)

Tiger­’s Eye Galaxy (NGC 2841)

M82 Cigar Galaxy

M82 Cigar Galaxy

G70.5+1.9 in Cygnus

G70.5+1.9 in Cygnus

Little Dumb­bell Neb­ula (M76)

Little Dumb­bell Neb­ula (M76)

W63 (SNR G82.2+5.3)

W63 (SNR G82.2+5.3)

M81 Bode’s Galaxy

M81 Bode’s Galaxy

M89 Galaxy

M89 Galaxy

M63 Sun­flower Galaxy

M63 Sun­flower Galaxy

Christ­mas Tree Cluster (NGC 2264)

Christ­mas Tree Cluster (NGC 2264)

W50 SNR in Aquila

W50 SNR in Aquila

M95 M96 in Leo

M95 M96 in Leo

Embryo Neb­ula (NGC 1333)

Embryo Neb­ula (NGC 1333)

Pick­er­ing’s Tri­angle in Cygnus

Pick­er­ing’s Tri­angle in Cygnus

LBN 380 Region in Cygnus

LBN 380 Region in Cygnus

Comet C/​2020 M3 (ATLAS)

Comet C/​​2020 M3 (ATLAS)

Sh2-129 and OU4 in Cepheus

Sh2-129 and OU4 in Cepheus

NGC 7000 and IC 5070 in Cygnus

NGC 7000 and IC 5070 in Cygnus

Melotte 15 in Cassiopeia

Melotte 15 in Cassiopeia

M92 in Hercules

M92 in Hercules

IC 1396 in Cepheus

IC 1396 in Cepheus

Rosette Neb­ula (Cald­well 49)

Rosette Neb­ula (Cald­well 49)

M100 in Coma Berenices

M100 in Coma Berenices

Sh2-188 in Cassiopeia

Sh2-188 in Cassiopeia

NGC 507 Galaxy Group in Pisces

NGC 507 Galaxy Group in Pisces

North­ern Logoon Neb­ula (NGC 7538)

North­ern Logoon Neb­ula (NGC 7538)

IC 59 and IC 63 in Cassiopeia

IC 59 and IC 63 in Cassiopeia

Comet 46P/​Wirtanen

Comet 46P/​​Wirtanen

M71 in Sagitta

M71 in Sagitta

Dumb­bell Neb­ula (M27)

Dumb­bell Neb­ula (M27)

Whirl­pool Galaxy (M51)

Whirl­pool Galaxy (M51)

Ori­on Region (H‑a)

Ori­on Region (H‑a)

M101 Pin­wheel Galaxy in Ursa Major

M101 Pin­wheel Galaxy in Ursa Major

Cali­for­nia Neb­ula (NGC 1499)

Cali­for­nia Neb­ula (NGC 1499)

CTA 1 (SNR G119.5+10.2)

CTA 1 (SNR G119.5+10.2)

3C 400.2 (SNR G053.6–02.2)

3C 400.2 (SNR G053.6–02.2)

Gamma Cygni Region

Gamma Cygni Region

AFGL 5173 in Orion

AFGL 5173 in Orion

NGC 4274 in Coma Berenices

NGC 4274 in Coma Berenices

Markari­an’s Chain in Virgo/​Com

Markari­an’s Chain in Virgo/​​Com

P Cygni Nebula

P Cygni Nebula

3C 58 (SN 1181) in Cassiopeia

3C 58 (SN 1181) in Cassiopeia

Kron­ber­ger 24 in Cygnus

Kron­ber­ger 24 in Cygnus

Kes 78 in Aquila

Kes 78 in Aquila

Leo II (PGC 34176) Dwarf Galaxy

Leo II (PGC 34176) Dwarf Galaxy

NGC 3486 in Leo Minor

NGC 3486 in Leo Minor

Whir­li­gig Galaxy (NGC 488) in Pisces

Whir­li­gig Galaxy (NGC 488) in Pisces

Sil­ver Streak Galaxy (NGC 4216)

Sil­ver Streak Galaxy (NGC 4216)

Sh2-132 in Cepheus

Sh2-132 in Cepheus

Simeis 147 in Taurus

Simeis 147 in Taurus

NGC 7822 and Cederblad 214

NGC 7822 and Cederblad 214

Little Veil Neb­ula in Cygnus

Little Veil Neb­ula in Cygnus

Pegas­us I Galaxy Cluster

Pegas­us I Galaxy Cluster

Seagull Neb­ula (IC 2177)

Seagull Neb­ula (IC 2177)

Pac­man Neb­ula NGC 281

Pac­man Neb­ula NGC 281

Comet C/​2014 Q2 Lovejoy

Comet C/​​2014 Q2 Lovejoy

Medusa Neb­ula

Medusa Neb­ula

Abell 28 in Ursa Major

Abell 28 in Ursa Major

NGC 3953  in Ursa Major

NGC 3953 in Ursa Major

NGC 6823 and NGC 6820

NGC 6823 and NGC 6820

Cat’s Eye Neb­ula (NGC 6543)

Cat’s Eye Neb­ula (NGC 6543)

NGC 3077 in Ursa Major

NGC 3077 in Ursa Major

Jones-Ember­son 1

Jones-Ember­­son 1

The Scare­crow IC 1613 in Cetus

The Scare­crow IC 1613 in Cetus

Bubble Neb­ula (NGC 7635)

Bubble Neb­ula (NGC 7635)

East­ern Veil Neb­ula (NGC 6992)

East­ern Veil Neb­ula (NGC 6992)

NGC 6822

NGC 6822

NGC 6946

NGC 6946

Abell 61

Abell 61

NGC 5907

NGC 5907

NGC 4051

NGC 4051



M78 (NGC 2068)

M78 (NGC 2068)

Owl Neb­ula (M97)

Owl Neb­ula (M97)

NGC 3344

NGC 3344

Thor’s Hel­met (NGC 2359)

Thor’s Hel­met (NGC 2359)

NGC 206

NGC 206

Cres­cent Neb­ula (NGC 6888)

Cres­cent Neb­ula (NGC 6888)

NGC 7741

NGC 7741

NGC 7640

NGC 7640

Ghost Neb­ula (vdB 141)

Ghost Neb­ula (vdB 141)

Abell 2151

Abell 2151

NGC 5746

NGC 5746

NGC 4214

NGC 4214

NGC 3718 and NGC 3729

NGC 3718 and NGC 3729

NGC 4244

NGC 4244



NGC 2903

NGC 2903

NGC 7814

NGC 7814



NGC 7479 (Cald­well 44)

NGC 7479 (Cald­well 44)

Pin­wheel Galaxy (M33)

Pin­wheel Galaxy (M33)

Perseus Len­ticular (NGC 1023)

Perseus Len­ticular (NGC 1023)

West­ern Veil Neb­ula (NGC 6960)

West­ern Veil Neb­ula (NGC 6960)

NGC 7331 and Stephan’s Quintet

NGC 7331 and Stephan’s Quintet

Great Pegas­us Cluster (M15)

Great Pegas­us Cluster (M15)

UFO Galaxy (NGC 2683)

UFO Galaxy (NGC 2683)

Needle Galaxy (NGC 4565)

Needle Galaxy (NGC 4565)

Little Pin­wheel Galaxy (NGC 3184)

Little Pin­wheel Galaxy (NGC 3184)

NGC 925

NGC 925

Perseus Galaxy Cluster (Abell 426)

Perseus Galaxy Cluster (Abell 426)

Fiddle­head Galaxy (NGC 772)

Fiddle­head Galaxy (NGC 772)

Phantom Galaxy (M74)

Phantom Galaxy (M74)

Ele­phant’s Trunk Neb­ula (IC 1396A)

Ele­phant’s Trunk Neb­ula (IC 1396A)

Pel­icane Neb­ula (IC 5067) in Cygnus

Pel­icane Neb­ula (IC 5067) in Cygnus

Croc’s Eye Galaxy (M94)

Croc’s Eye Galaxy (M94)

About Me

Hello, my name is Martin Rusterholz. I’m a Swiss amateur astrophotographer living near Zurich, the biggest town in Switzerland. My interest in astronomy started when I was 16. At that time, I built my first Newtonian telescope and mount. I studied physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) which was the only study including at least some aspects of astronomy and astrophysics. “Looking at the nights sky is an experience touching everybody deeply inside, something common to all human beings independent to the language spoken by the individuals”. Deep-sky astrophotography is my passion.

