


For many years, two DSL lines have been used as media for internet connection at ROSA. But since longer time, the capacity became a bottleneck for transfering data from the six observatories. New 25M/60M sensors and faster optics created data volumes the two DSL lines...

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All­sky Dewheater

All­sky Dewheater

In 2021, the proven SBIG 340 allsky camera was replaced by a selfmade camera based on Raspberry Pi using Pi HQ camera model. The resolution is much better and the WiFi connection allowed an optimal place. The only issue during last fall was the fact, that the...

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About me

Hey I'm Martin I’m a Swiss amateur astrophotographer. My interest in astronomy started when I was 16. At that time, I built my first Newtonian telescope and mount. Deep Sky Astrophotography allows me to experience the beauty of the sky. The processing of the images is like a meditation for me – to take time to make the fine details of galaxies and nebulae visible is a gift.


About Me

Hello, my name is Martin Rusterholz. I’m a Swiss amateur astrophotographer living near Zurich, the biggest town in Switzerland. My interest in astronomy started when I was 16. At that time, I built my first Newtonian telescope and mount. I studied physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) which was the only study including at least some aspects of astronomy and astrophysics. “Looking at the nights sky is an experience touching everybody deeply inside, something common to all human beings independent to the language spoken by the individuals”. Deep-sky astrophotography is my passion.

