Perseus Galaxy Cluster (Abell 426)
Located around 235 million light-years away from Earth, The Perseus Galaxy Cluster is one of the closest to us but is difficult to see in visible-light wavelengths. The cluster contains over 500 galaxies including NGC 1275 which sits near the centre of this image, and is part of the Pisces-Perseus supercluster.
The picture shows the central part of the Perseus cluster. The two brightest galaxies at the centre of this cluster are NGC 1275 (right) and NGC 1272 (left). The Perseus cluster is also fairly close to the plane of the Milky Way, so a lot of the faintest points of light in this image are actually foreground stars in our own galaxy.
NGC 1275 (also known as Perseus A) is a strong radio and x‑ray source resulting from the immense gravitational forces occuring within this cluster.
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